Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Field Trip!

My mother had two large stones left over from one of her projects, so we used them to measure off how many more we would need to buy. About thirty was our guesstimate, so off to the stone yard we went. Mom turned to me as we pulled into the parking area and told me that she was going to ask for a discount. I think she didn't want me to be embarrassed.When the man came out and asked if we wanted help, she told him what we were looking for. Then she told him my budget was $80.00. He took one stone in and weighed it and came back and told us for $80.00, we could buy eight or nine stones of that size.
That wasn't good news. We chatted for awhile and decided that we would have to come up with a different plan. That is when the guy took us to the back of the stone yard and told us we could have anything from these bins for three cents per pound. That was an eighteen cent per pound discount. I filled up the little cart and took it to the scales. 300lbs!
We decided to splurge and bought 7 medium sized rocks at fifteen cents per pound too.
Total spent at the rock yard, $45.00
Next stop Lowes, where we found 5 gigantic stones at $7.00 each. Total $35.00

Somehow, I managed to get over 730lbs of rock for exactly $80.00!

We also used the counter top materials that were given to us for this project to fill in between the stones. That worked great to give it this crazy quilt look.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Step 4, or 5,

First, I laid down a layer of gravel inside the circle, Then on top of the gravel, I laid down a layer of sand...

After I checked to make sure I was level, I tamped the sand down. Next we went to the stone yard and Lows, I will tell you about that trip tomorrow.

Once we got home from the stone yards, I went to work laying the stones and broken pieces of counter top materials on the "floor" of the circle.

Then I put more sand down and swept it into the crevices between the stones.

This is what the "floor" of the circle looks like. I have to let it settle for a day or two, then put more sand between the stones. It looks like a crazy quilt! There are so many colors of stone in it. But I like the effect the countertops make, and It matches the walkway around one of the other garden areas in the yard.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Moving right along!

The Concrete placement is finished in the bench, Now, I have finish work to do.
This is the last layer of concrete chunks to add.

The Stairs were difficult to place, I couldn't use just one chunk per stair, so I had to use two or three per step.

Dad found this ring where we ride motorcycles.
My Back hurts!

I am putting sand and gravel between each stone to help stabilize the wall.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Getting Busy!

Plan A: Mr Mike and a piece of heavy machinery and a laser level.
Plan B: Rototiller, shovels, and level
Plan C: Shovel and level and a piece of wood.
Mr Mike has been sick, and is now overwhelmed at work.
The rototiller will not start.

Just me, and my shovel! I figured out how to make the first part level. I have to dig out the upper section, and add to the lower section to get the seats and the center to be level.
Dig out the grass, level the dirt, tamp down the dirt, find the level again.

Stack row #1, not level, add dirt or take away dirt to make it level.
Finish row #1.
Add row #2 again checking to make sure you are still level as you go.

That is hard work, my shoulder hurts!