Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Step 4, or 5,

First, I laid down a layer of gravel inside the circle, Then on top of the gravel, I laid down a layer of sand...

After I checked to make sure I was level, I tamped the sand down. Next we went to the stone yard and Lows, I will tell you about that trip tomorrow.

Once we got home from the stone yards, I went to work laying the stones and broken pieces of counter top materials on the "floor" of the circle.

Then I put more sand down and swept it into the crevices between the stones.

This is what the "floor" of the circle looks like. I have to let it settle for a day or two, then put more sand between the stones. It looks like a crazy quilt! There are so many colors of stone in it. But I like the effect the countertops make, and It matches the walkway around one of the other garden areas in the yard.


  1. Oh, Darian.
    It looks Awesome.
    I knew you would do a great job.
    I can't wait to see it in person.
    Aunt Lisa

  2. WOW! The floor DOES look amazing! Who knew a countertop would look so good on the ground!

    You're doing a great job! So nice to get the link...I've been following your work through your Mom's Facebook profile...we're all proud of your work!

    Can't wait for the marshmellow roast!!!

  3. Me and Sam love to stop by daily to see the progress... and seeing the floor go from dirt at lunch to the rock quilt in the evening was great!
