Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Step One and 1/2

It has been hard finding rocks this last week. I did go with my mom's friend to gather rocks on her familys property, but they were rather small and didn't fill the cargo space in the van. Mom said we can steal them from another area of the garden if we need to, but I am getting worried. I need to get started and since my budget for this project is almost nothing, we need to get the materials Free!


  1. Life is like a van full of rocks...

  2. When you get done there, I want one here in T e x a s. We have lots of bigger rocks.

  3. Try asking for free rocks on Craigslist. If people are building they may need to get rid of extra rocks on the property.

  4. since I am your mother, and I am in the know, yes, these are different days, and yes he does own different clothes. I think he is wearing the purple shirt to impress his mommy!

  5. Ok, my darling, gramma is watching. Work hard.
